Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ogden 5k

I ran the Ogden 5k with my sister, Erin. We stuck together for the first 2 miles but she is fast! Our first mile was 9.30, our second about 10. (Keep in mind I usually average a 12 minute mile while running 5ks and 10 minute mile running 1 mile at a time.) The last mile just about killed me. I got a huge side ache and my right shoulder ached. My lungs and hips felt tight. BUT, after all of that misery of the 3rd mile I still finished FOUR MINUTES fast than last weekend's 5k and TWO MINUTES faster than my goal of 36 minutes! I need a running buddy more often!

1 comment:

  1. That was super fun, I know that I was running faster because I was with you! Let's run more often on weekends!
