Monday, February 27, 2012

Back in the Saddle Again

First run since foot problem. Only 2 miles, I was hoping for 3, but I am pretty okay with 2. I have brand new shoes and in the first mile my feet started going numb so I thought I needed to loosen the laces, but then in the second mile they felt like they were on FIRE. They were burning up, so I decided that 2 was enough.

The encouraging thing out of this, however, is that if my feet weren't on fire, I feel like I had plenty of energy to keep going. Feeling good. I forgot how good it feels after a run. (especially after eating about a dozen dark chocolate no-bake cookies)


  1. Yay! Glad you were able to run without major pain. Sorry your feet were not totally cooperative, though. We'll have to go out this weekend either both running or maybe even both biking. If the weather doesn't suck we could go for a really long ride, it would be good cross training that probably wouldn't set your feet on fire.
