Thursday, March 1, 2012

7 Weeks

Just realized there are 7 weeks left until race day. Freaks me out. I need to really step up my game. I realized recently that although I should be able to run on Wednesdays in the morning because I don't have class until 12:30, I am just not a morning person, and I'm especially not a running morning person. You'd think that I could at least run in the mid-morning, but by the time I get up I don't have time.

I think it is do-able to get in the mileage I need for the 1/2 marathon, but that doesn't mean I am entirely confident that it will happen. Especially with the race being the week of finals. Eek

EDIT: Although I DID just realize that if I run 5 miles this week, which is picking up from where I left off, and I increase the max number of miles every week, I will end at 11 miles, which is just 2.6 miles less than the race. I think that is do-able. That last bit might be a struggle, but I think sheer will to not embarrass myself at the finish line will urge me on.

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