Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I got out my portable DVD player and set it up in front of the treadmill. IT WORKED WONDERS. I didn't even look at the time until about 20 minutes in. I felt much better. I only put on a cartoon that lasts about 20 minutes, but will play consecutively. I've decided to wait to play movies when I increase mileage and need something to keep going. 144 minutes, to be exact. I am also thinking of playing TV shows that run an hour instead of 20-30 minutes, such as Torchwood. It will be good to play those again because I haven't watched them for a while.

Anyway. Feeling good. Feeling tired. But much more confident than last Wednesday's run!


  1. And Torchwood ought to get your adrenaline going because of how freaky some of those episodes are.

  2. True that! In Cowboy Bebop there can be a shot where nothing is happening, it is just showing the ship or whatever. But in a real-life actor show, it will probably not have those moments. BTW did you know there is a 4th season of Torchwood coming out?? ( that I think about it, you may have been the one to tell me this, haha)
