Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday Night, Day One

Worked out for 30 minutes tonight. Started out with walking in place for a bit, then to jump rope. Didn't really keep track of reps or minutes for this work out, just moved from exercise to exercise. Did wall squats, normal squats, lunges, rows, bikes, push-ups, armstrongs, jumping jacks and a couple of yoga poses in between. Feels good. I know it isn't an amazing workout. It isn't organized or anything, but I feel it is a good start. (And my arms are shaky, so that is sort of a good sign that it wasn't TOO wimpy!)

Exercise Help

Since my grand plan to have a workout buddy has mostly failed due to time constraints/schedule conflcits, I have decided to turn to the internet to assist in my weight loss/fitness goal.

I found this website and I think it would be good to do a main work out, then one exercise from each body area as finishers. And if I don't do a "main workout" I can just do more of these.


Main workout:
Run 20 minutes (to begin with, of course. I want to increase this gradually)

One exercise from each body area, 10-20 reps each.

We'll see if this is do-able. Maybe I won't stick to this plan exactly, but it is still good to have a source where I can see what exercises I can do to target my main body insecurities.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Status Update #1

Current weight: ~145
Goal weight: 125
Dream weight: 120

I think it will be good for me to post this once a week in order to stay aware of my goals.