Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Well. Okay.

So far my super great awesome flawless exercise plan has not been so super, great, awesome or flawless. My running buddy happens to also not be very good at keeping a cell phone around all the time. (can't blame her too much, I'm pretty lame at remembering to reply also). But it has now been 3 times that we were supposed to go run and I never hear back. I know that at this point I should just go run by myself. But my self-motivation needs some obligation. Hopefully we will have mondays set up for our running day. It isn't twice a week like I hoped, but I am also taking a cycling class on wednesdays. So maybe I can add just one more work out day, and be happy. I think exercising 3 times a week is pretty reasonable. Not too little, not too much. Juuuuust right!

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