Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ogden 5k

I ran the Ogden 5k with my sister, Erin. We stuck together for the first 2 miles but she is fast! Our first mile was 9.30, our second about 10. (Keep in mind I usually average a 12 minute mile while running 5ks and 10 minute mile running 1 mile at a time.) The last mile just about killed me. I got a huge side ache and my right shoulder ached. My lungs and hips felt tight. BUT, after all of that misery of the 3rd mile I still finished FOUR MINUTES fast than last weekend's 5k and TWO MINUTES faster than my goal of 36 minutes! I need a running buddy more often!

Monday, May 14, 2012

ONC 5k

This past Saturday was the Ogden Nature Center's 5k. And I ran in it! It was fun. Actually, parts of it were not fun at all. But I'm very glad I did it. The parts that were fun were the parts of the course where we were running in the trees. The parts that were not fun was when we had to run past the neighboring field being mowed and dust and bits of grass flew in your face as you're trying to run. Not so cool. Something else that was frustrating was the fact that they held the children's 1k at the same time as the 5k, and therefore for the first loop of the race (there were 2 loops) you were running with a bunch of kids. This would be fine if the trails were wide but they were narrow so at times I had to stop running altogether. That was frustrating and I felt that it hurt my time. However as with all 5ks, I forget that it doesn't really start for you individually until you cross the start line, and since I was back quite a way I started my watch a little early. My time ended up being 38 minutes. I feel that I could easily improve this time for the Ogden 5k, which is this Saturday! My goal: Run it in less than or about 36 minutes. That would be an average of a 12 minute mile and just about right for me. At least for now!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Starting over

I'm up to 2 miles. Usually I run about a 12 minute mile, but on this run I ran a little under a 11 minute mile, which is good. I think if I slow down my pace a bit the 3 miles of a 5k won't be too bad. I have a 5k coming up this Saturday and the Saturday after, too!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

It Is What It Is

The half marathon has gone and past and I did not run in it. In fact, I didn't even run in the 5k which I switched to. But it is never too late to start. And now that spring is here and school is out (although not for long) I feel a renewed motivation! My Plan: Run at least 3 times a week. Bike at least 2 times a week. Hike at least 1 a week. Do finishers after every run and bike ride. Pretty simple, yes? I think before I would get discouraged because I would miss a day and it felt like the whole week was messed up. This way if I miss a day, it doesn't matter as long as I fulfill the quota for the week. I think I will start out pretty easy, too. 1 mile is as far as I'll run for quite a while until I jump up to 2. My goal is to get to 10, but if I don't, it isn't a big deal. The main thing is to be healthy, to eat better, to gain endurance and to help myself feel better physically, mentally and emotionally!