Monday, February 27, 2012

Back in the Saddle Again

First run since foot problem. Only 2 miles, I was hoping for 3, but I am pretty okay with 2. I have brand new shoes and in the first mile my feet started going numb so I thought I needed to loosen the laces, but then in the second mile they felt like they were on FIRE. They were burning up, so I decided that 2 was enough.

The encouraging thing out of this, however, is that if my feet weren't on fire, I feel like I had plenty of energy to keep going. Feeling good. I forgot how good it feels after a run. (especially after eating about a dozen dark chocolate no-bake cookies)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Set back

Well, it has been more than a week since I hurt my foot and it has been feeling better. I'm still scared of running on it, but I hope to run this weekend. I have a week's worth of allowance, which helps. So technically I am just one day off of schedule, but I'm worried that I'll run and won't be able to go a long distance.

I am also thinking of using an elliptical because it has sort of the same motion, but is not as hard on joints, and hopefully not as hard on my foot.

Also, I have been feeling sick the past week. Nothing huge, but very running or stuffy nose, sore throat and headaches. I hope it doesn't develop into anything different.

We shall see.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I somehow hurt my foot yesterday and it still really hurts to put pressure on it. It started hurting when I was wearing my normal street shoes but I figured when I would change shoes it wouldn't hurt. Then when I went on my run it made it much worse. I may go get an x-ray of it. I am really worried about what this will do to my schedule.

I really can't deal with a set back.

Monday, February 6, 2012


I am looking at buying new running shoes. HMMMMMM...

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I hit my head last night and I have had a headache since then. Today I was supposed to run 4 miles, but I think it will have to wait until tomorrow. I really worry about getting off schedule, but sometimes it is just impossible. I figure as long as I get the miles in by the end of the week, hopefully that will work.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I got out my portable DVD player and set it up in front of the treadmill. IT WORKED WONDERS. I didn't even look at the time until about 20 minutes in. I felt much better. I only put on a cartoon that lasts about 20 minutes, but will play consecutively. I've decided to wait to play movies when I increase mileage and need something to keep going. 144 minutes, to be exact. I am also thinking of playing TV shows that run an hour instead of 20-30 minutes, such as Torchwood. It will be good to play those again because I haven't watched them for a while.

Anyway. Feeling good. Feeling tired. But much more confident than last Wednesday's run!