Friday, February 8, 2013

Status Update #3

Starting weight: 145
Previous weight: 141
Current weight: 138
Goal weight: 125-130
Dream weight: 120-125

Slow and steady. My last weigh in was exactly a month ago. I am happy I have lost some weight, but I feel like it is going very slowly. Maybe once I start running it will go faster. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy with losing 3 pounds within a month, but I am also feeling a little discouraged.

I think part of why I feel discouraged is because last time when I ran or biked so much I had lost a lot of weight, but I hadn't realized it until about half-way through, so it felt like I must have lost a ton of weight really fast. Really, it was probably gradual (although not this gradual), but because I wasn't keeping track, it felt like it happened overnight.

Still, some weight loss is better than no weight loss.