Saturday, March 23, 2013

5k Results

Just ran my 5k! My time was 34.51. Not too shabby for my first race since last summer AND for the first time running more than 2 miles since starting to run again! Feeling very happy. :)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Mileage Progress

Ran 2 miles yesterday and felt surprisingly good. I went at a slow and steady pace, but I didn't feel at any point of time that I was running out of steam or that I wish I was closer to home. In fact, I even did a fairly long sprint at the end. Feeling good about Saturday's 5k!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

First 5k

I have registered for my first 5k of the year! It was only $10 and 100% of the proceeds go towards a school of your choice or to the school district.

Also, I just ran 1 mile with my friend Chelsea and was a full minute faster than the last time I ran. Feeling pretty good!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Update #4

Starting weight: 145
Previous weight: 138
Current weight: 137.5
Goal weight: 125-130
Dream weight: 120-125

Half a pound in one month. Feeling frustrated, but hey, at least I didn't gain anything. And at least it wasn't the same.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Status Update #3

Starting weight: 145
Previous weight: 141
Current weight: 138
Goal weight: 125-130
Dream weight: 120-125

Slow and steady. My last weigh in was exactly a month ago. I am happy I have lost some weight, but I feel like it is going very slowly. Maybe once I start running it will go faster. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy with losing 3 pounds within a month, but I am also feeling a little discouraged.

I think part of why I feel discouraged is because last time when I ran or biked so much I had lost a lot of weight, but I hadn't realized it until about half-way through, so it felt like I must have lost a ton of weight really fast. Really, it was probably gradual (although not this gradual), but because I wasn't keeping track, it felt like it happened overnight.

Still, some weight loss is better than no weight loss.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Group Fitness Schedule

Monday: Cycling @ 5:30-6:30
Tuesday: Yoga @ 4:30-5:30 and Cycling @ 5:30-6:30
Wednesday: Total Strength @ 6:45-7:45
Thursday: Yoga @ 4:30-5:30 and Cross-Training @ 5:30-6:30

Then I want to run on the weekend.

Status Update #2

Previous weight: 145
Current weight: 141
Goal weight: 125-130
Dream weight: 120-125