Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lesson #1

I have learned a lesson today. When you go to bed at 1 in the morning and when you wake up you don't eat any breakfast, running is really REALLY miserable.

This seems obvious, but for some reason I thought I'd just spring out of bed, run and then have a nice big rewarding breakfast. Instead, running for only 5 minutes made me feel weak and made my hearing weird. I was supposed to run for 30 minutes (2.5 miles at my 12 min/mile setting on the treadmill). Instead I ran/walked for 30, running a combined 20 minutes, although there were walking breaks in between. (sigh)

I'm trying not to beat myself up, because had I slept and eaten better, things would've probably been fine. But I still feel discouraged.

I have an "easy" run at the end of the week, but I was thinking I might just rest instead of have an easy run. Now I am thinking that maybe I will keep track of the amount I didn't run during the week, and make up the difference on the easy run. That way I still run the total amount of miles for that week that I'm supposed to, but it gives me some cushion. We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Not taking care of yourself can really put a dent in your ability to function physically. Don't let one bad day bring you down. Running is like that-- you will have bad days. Days that make you want to give up and eat a whole carton of coffee ice cream. But there will be really awesome days too. I think making up miles in the easy run is a good idea, but don't make it too much of a punishment. :)
