Monday, January 30, 2012


Google Maps is a liar. I am frustrated because I mapped out a lot of routes for different distances, but when I made some very basic short ones it said they were much longer than I KNOW they are. Which means that it is probably doing that to all of them. WHICH MEANS that the runs I went on for my long run and my easy run were both wrong.

I am just really worried I'm not going to get my mileage up by the time of the race. I'm going to work this week to figure out the real mileage and create new maps. They give insurance. It gives me a plan, which makes things seem less impossible and intimidating.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lesson #1

I have learned a lesson today. When you go to bed at 1 in the morning and when you wake up you don't eat any breakfast, running is really REALLY miserable.

This seems obvious, but for some reason I thought I'd just spring out of bed, run and then have a nice big rewarding breakfast. Instead, running for only 5 minutes made me feel weak and made my hearing weird. I was supposed to run for 30 minutes (2.5 miles at my 12 min/mile setting on the treadmill). Instead I ran/walked for 30, running a combined 20 minutes, although there were walking breaks in between. (sigh)

I'm trying not to beat myself up, because had I slept and eaten better, things would've probably been fine. But I still feel discouraged.

I have an "easy" run at the end of the week, but I was thinking I might just rest instead of have an easy run. Now I am thinking that maybe I will keep track of the amount I didn't run during the week, and make up the difference on the easy run. That way I still run the total amount of miles for that week that I'm supposed to, but it gives me some cushion. We'll see.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

First Post

This is my new blog to document my journey of training for a 1/2 marathon. I haven't run for at least a year, and so I am starting new. The race is in 12 weeks, and I am very nervous but very excited to get into shape and to accomplish something that I have had as more of a dream than a goal for so long. Wish me luck!